Technology & Software Development : Chemical Industry

Modern SAP ERP & Our Accumen to deliver service & Solutions

SAP ERP solutions digitize the informational flow that improves every aspect of business giving 360 degree view of departments work flow.It gives control from procurement of raw material through different manufacturing processes to quality control to sales demand to production.


SAP ERP  Solution Features

The easiest way to manage personal finance

SAP ERP has enough tools to streamline and smooth the processes for every department thereby ensuring to provide a complete integrated business solution for Chemical Industry.

Automation at wORK

SAP software with its Automation Tools takes care of every department andd ensures a smooth  workflow across. 

Covers Every Aspect

SAP ERP has functionalities that fits closest to all the needs and with Add-Ons at hand empowers companies with to fullest. 

Supply Chain Management At its best

Inventory Management, Order tracking, transportation tracking, Delivery timings etc, SAP ensures to monitor every aspect effciently thereby giving peace of mind as many Chemicals are classified as hazardous so tracking is vital.

Complex Chemical Formulation's Management

This particular vital aspect is well taken care by SAP ERP, managing and tracking thereby ensuring that the consistency for desired & set formulation remains same with utmost precision for all the time production process is taken up.

Managing Bill of Material(BOM)

Bill of Material correct calculation is crucial for the companies as it takes into account a list of all parts, raw materials, assemblies, sub-assemblies, power consumption in the calculation, in nut-shell it is industrial recipe for creating products

Quality Control Catered with SAP & Add-Ons

SAP ERP has features to set a standard in the system and it will ensure that the semi finished product or finished products meet high -quality standards as per the pre-set condition. And with Add-On,one can expect the multi-level checking based on criteria.

Preside Over the Profits

A planned and proper scheduling of process flows is paramount for the companies , SAP ERP stands firm in managing every aspect like managing time , estimation of the cost of material required etc thereby ensuring reduction in cost

customer Relationship Management

SAP ERP stores & manages all the customers information ,their choices, product/s sold, payment methods, previous supplies etc that gives a transparent system that is error free, once the data is fed ,it can be used to analyse many of the aspects.

Finance and Accounting

SAP ERP has functionalities & essential tools to handle and streamline accounting and financials operations. SAP ERP automates financial operations improving visibility into cash flows. With plenty of tools available,SAP ERP stands unique.

Wide Range of Reports

SAP ERP in truest sense has wide variety of reports to offer & with developing skills employed by us , we can generate customized reports that are process critical and vital decsions by the management rests on these reports

Featured Services

How we do it

After winning a project we proceed in a phased manner with different teams working on different aspects and precisely accumulate all to give shape to a working SAP ERP system that incorporates all aspects 

Team Brainstorming

We put our efforts to gather requirements from different departments,their expectations and pen down every aspects which takes shape as Business Blueprint(BBP), a pristine one which is used as reference for all the work to be performed 

Implementations & coding

Based on BBP , the implementation  work is done,Master data is readied and different modules are taken up with sole aim to map the business process as decided;  Also development work, Add-On work is taken up so as  to ensure a complete ERP system is ready. Training is also provided to users in between.

UAT & Handover

User Acceptance Test is vital for ascertaining the work has been done according to BBP. And after having solved issues raised ,if any, we handover the ERP system to esteemed client for further usage. We handhold them for one -two weeks  for them to get acclaimatised  

We're software company that provides solutions

We are ERP strategist and Implementor having expertise and experience in different domains giving appropriate solution to industries that help them with better manage the business.We play a pioneer role in realising the automation in processes and create a unified software solution in which the informational flow is smooth across the departments.


Global Presence

We have successfully implemented more than 300 projects including Global projects. 


Affordable Prices

We have carved out a startegy to ensure that the efficiency of implementation is as as high possible and yet offer the services at affordable rate.

Digital Solutions

Using plenty of Software Solutions for different departments! Give Us a chance to elaborate on the SAP software & Its capabilities

The prime cause of using different solutions is that many products are incapable of capturing different processes,SAP ERP on the other hand has plenty of functionalities ,modules and customizability ensuring every aspect is captured.

Innovative Ideas

Room for accomodating different processes into single software that acts as boon with intra-departmental informational flow

Highly Customizable

SAP ERP with Add-Ons is open for customizations according to the requirement besides standard processes included

SAP ERP:An Investment

The ROI with the SAP ERP is quiet high as it centralizes the data and same set of data flow throughout the department

Maximum Efficiency

SAP ERP ensures that best possible efficient system is build which is transparent and works in unison

Solution that matches Aspirations

Bringing SAP ERP Solution For Chemical Industry

Highly regulated industry, Chemical Industry requires a robust ERP solution that is capable of handling production, inventory, quality controls as well as is helpful in following statutory requirements. There are whole lot of points that needs attention and therefore it is essential to consider for a world’s standard software as well as expert team like us to take charge .

In resonance with Regulatory Standards & Industry
Intelligent Application For Every Business Model
Reporting That helps managment to take informed Decision
Employ Global Development Standards & Integrations
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Since inception Specialised IT Squad has been working relentlessly to ensure that the commitment made is fullfilled in spirit. The number of years of effort put in, gives us confidence to tell you that we deserve to be given a chance to interact & apprise you with our expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sounds Like IT Squad Might Be The Right Choice For Your Business

We stand out unique in providing ERP solutions as well as consulting to our clients.

We are ERP Strategist and Implementor,

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